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13 LGBTQ Quotes About Love That Will Inspire You

LGBTQ Quotes About Love


Love is love. That's what they say. But now that Pride Month is over, what's left for us lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans folk? The LGBT community has had many heroes through the years, from Harvey Milk to Larry Kramer, and many of them have left lasting impressions throughout their lifetimes. As we continue to celebrate Pride all year, we at Outer Peace have collated the most inspirational quotes we could find that help share one idea: Love is love is love.

Ellen DeGeneres said it best with, "I learned compassion from being discriminated against. Everything bad that’s ever happened to me has taught me compassion." (That's a bonus one for you!) We all need a little compassion and a little love in our lives. That's why these LGBTQ quotes and sayings will make you feel like it's okay to express ourselves publicly, or to be at peace with our true selves.

LGBTQ Quotes

We hope these love quotes make you feel special, because you are. The LGBTQ community will always rally behind each other, whether at gay Pride or any other time of the year. This is what makes us unique. This is what will help to ensure that queer Americans are treated as equal. Because this is all we want. Our freedom and human rights will not be subjugated. If someone asks you why LGBT community members are so vocal, tell them we must be. Because if we are not, we are nothing.

We deserve equality for all people. LGBT Pride marches exist for this one reason: to put love first in the hearts and minds of all.

13 Queer Love Quotes to Inspire

Mariya Zilberman

"Let your flag fly. It’s a wonderful thing seeing you be you."

Mariya Zilberman, a Belarus-born writer, now lives and teaches in Detroit after earning her MFA from the University of Michigan. Recognized for her poetry in various journals and the 2020 Ploughshares Emerging Writer’s Award, she's preparing her debut poetry collection.

Mercedes Lucero

"Checked my mood ring. Yep, still gay. (It’s my best mood. You understand.)"

Mercedes Lucero's debut collection, Stereometry (2018, Another New Calligraphy), serves as a compelling example of their work. As a founding member of BLACK Lawrence and a contributor to several organizations, they also bring creativity to their role at Hallmark, Inc., transforming research into engaging writing and innovative product development.

Harvey Milk

“Hope will never be silent.”

Harvey Milk was an American civil rights leader and one of the first openly gay elected officials in U.S. history. As a San Francisco City Supervisor in the 1970s, he fiercely advocated for LGBTQ+ rights before his assassination in 1978. His life continues to inspire LGBTQ+ activism.

E.E. Cummings

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are."

E.E. Cummings was a 20th-century American poet known for his use (or misuse) of form and syntax. His works often defy conventional punctuation and capitalization rules, reflecting his avant-garde approach to poetry. He is most notable for "anyone lived in a pretty how town."

Billie Jean King

"It’s just really important that we start celebrating our differences. Let’s start tolerating first, but then we need to celebrate our differences."

Billie Jean King is a former world No. 1 tennis player from the US. She is renowned for her advocacy for gender equality. She won 39 Grand Slam titles and is known for winning the "Battle of the Sexes" match against Bobby Riggs in 1973.

Angela Davis

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

Angela Davis is an American political activist, scholar, and author. She is recognized for her involvement in the civil rights, feminist, and prison abolitionist movements. She was a member of the Black Panther Party and the Communist Party USA. Her work continues to inspire social justice advocacy the world over.

Harvey Milk

"We will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets."

Yeah, I know, this is the second time Harvey Milk appears on our list of rainbow quotes, but you have to understand that he was a very quotable person. His influence continues to shape the world today.

Chris Colfer

There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world you live in."

Chris Colfer is an American actor, singer, and author. He is best known for his role as Kurt Hummel on the TV series "Glee," which earned him a Golden Globe award. He also wrote the popular children's book series, "The Land of Stories."

James Baldwin

“Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?”

James Baldwin was an American novelist, essayist, and civil rights activist. Known for his works that explore racial and social issues such as "Go Tell it on the Mountain" and "The Fire Next Time", Baldwin's profound insights continue to impact discussions about race and equality in America.

Bayard Rustin

"We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers."

Bayard Rustin was a pivotal American civil rights activist, chief strategist for the 1963 March on Washington, and advisor to Martin Luther King Jr. Openly gay, Rustin faced discrimination within the movement but later became a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, intertwining civil and gay rights activism.

Troy Perry

“The Lord is my Shepherd and he knows I’m gay.”

Troy Perry is a prominent American LGBTQ+ rights activist and church founder. He established the Metropolitan Community Church, a Christian denomination catering to the LGBTQ+ community, in 1968. His advocacy includes working on HIV/AIDS issues and fighting for same-sex marriage recognition.

Rumer Willis

“Love doesn’t care how much money you have. It doesn’t care who your parents are. It doesn’t care if you’re gay, straight, or transgender.”

Rumer Willis is an American actress and singer, best known as the winner of "Dancing with the Stars" Season 20. The eldest daughter of Hollywood stars Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, she has appeared in various TV shows and movies, proving her talent in the entertainment industry.

Barack Obama

“When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.”

Barack Obama, serving as the 44th U.S. President from 2009-2017, made history as the first African American in the role. As a Harvard Law alumnus and former Illinois senator, he enacted significant changes such as the Affordable Care Act, the Iran nuclear deal, and notably supported LGBTQ+ rights, including the legalization of same-sex marriage nationwide.

These quotes are not just for Pride Month

The power of these voices resonates profoundly, reflecting the many faces of love, identity, and equality that define our community. They remind us that love is indeed love, devoid of boundaries, unfettered by societal norms. Every quote here carries a message of unshakeable resilience, of ceaseless hope, of unfaltering courage, and most importantly, the daring embrace of one's true self. The echoes of their words permeate our struggles, our celebrations, our everyday lives, serving as a beacon for anyone seeking solace or validation.

As we step beyond Pride Month, these quotes instill a sense of unity, pushing us forward. They strengthen our resolve to assert our rights, our identities, and our love, without compromise. As we carry forth the spirit of Pride every day, may these inspiring words keep the flame burning brightly. Let's remember: love in all its forms is a resounding symphony, and it is our collective voices that give it pitch, rhythm, and most importantly, volume. Our fight continues, our love persists, and as long as we stay vocal and supportive, we will indeed be something—something beautiful, something powerful, something undeniably real.